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LVC students on excursion during summer Italy study abroad program

Study Abroad

See the world—and be prepared to succeed in a global economy.

LVC’s Center for Global Education will advise you in selecting and applying to study abroad and study away programs. In addition to study abroad and domestic study away semester-long programs, LVC offers several summer international programs.


Why study abroad?

Study abroad programs allow LVC students to see the world, explore new cultures, and challenge themselves academically, professionally, and personally—all while earning credits. In addition to developing essential career and intercultural communication skills, students who study abroad are empowered to build a global professional network and to make an impact in local and global communities. As more and more employers seek staff with a globalized insight, international experience is an essential part of a good education.


How does it work?

Courses taken through study abroad programs approved by the Center for Global Education will have their credits/instructional hours and grades converted to LVC equivalent credits and grades, with credit ultimately awarded according to the College transfer credit policy. Students will have planned courses pre-approved for transfer before their study abroad program begins. Students enrolled in a program of study approved for credit by LVC will be considered enrolled at LVC for the purpose of applying for federal financial aid.

How to Apply

LVC students can view application requirements and deadlines in MyLVC.

Explore Programs

of LVC students will have lived or study in another country by graduation
full-semester and short-term study abroad programs across the globe
of LVC Faculty members were born outside the continental U.S.

In Their Own Words

I studied abroad the summer after my first year. My favorite things about Costa Rica are the wildlife, the culture, and the people! I was able to improve my Spanish, make more connections, and new skills that I brought back home with me.
Although I know the end goal for my prospective career, I am still figuring out which specialty to focus on, so exploring different areas of healthcare in Poland was beneficial and allowed me to experience a wide variety of areas I otherwise wouldn’t have. My time abroad was so beneficial for my future in the healthcare system, not only being able to appreciate modern physical therapy techniques but also understanding the importance of history and how it shapes the people we become.
Meg McCracken ’25, Physical Therapy Major

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